Chamomile oil massage for cellulite

The plant has anti-inflammatory, healing, activation of blood circulation and helps remove toxins from the skin. After applying a treatment with chamomile, skin becomes firmer and smoother and cellulite disappear. Prepare a tincture from 40 grams of chamomile flowers macerated for 6-8 hours in four tablespoons of alcohol. Divide into two equal parts soak. One part is stored in a dark bottle and add 100 ml in the other olive oil. The preparation is boiled for two to three hours, then filter pressed and stored in a dark glass. Areas affected by cellulite massage oil blended with chamomile tincture (20 ml to 60 ml tincture of chamomile oil), for 15-20 minutes each evening.

Horseradish treat sinusitis

It is a known cure for thousands of years in Eastern Europe and Asia. Shares of beneficial plant and led to its use as a remedy for sinusitis. It is used both internally and especially externally. Here are the most popular treatments with horseradish:

Treatment with horseradish sinusitis - external use
Horseradish external application is usually more effective than treatment with horseradish internal use.

with horseradish poultice. Place in a bowl: 2 tablespoons flour horseradish, 2 tablespoons of flaxseed meal. Add water and mix well until it forms a paste. It should be wrapped in gauze and apply on affected area for a long time. In sinusitis, apply poultice on the forehead as long as it is supported
grated horseradish. 2-3 tablespoons of grated horseradish are wrapped in gauze and applied to the root of the nose or forehead. It appears you until the burning sensation on the skin
Treatment of sinusitis with horseradish - use:
horseradish syrup. A date with grated horseradish root, mixed with 4 tablespoons of honey, leave to soak for several minutes. Strain syrup and get raw. Uneaten boil with some water (enough to cover). After boiling, strain the press, let cool, then mix with raw syrup. Take three tablespoons a day. It is recommended in asthma, chronic bronchitis, diseases of middle and lower respiratory tract in general.
Horseradish tincture. Horseradish roots are given a small grater, and then put in a jar to fill a third, completing the rest of the food with white spirit 80 degrees. After eight days strain, pressing the mixture through gauze. Take half a teaspoon 3-4 times per day for treating cough, cold preparations, flu. Other indications: adjuvant therapy in anemia, anorexia, symptomatic treatment of urinary tract infections, digestive atonii, hypoacid gastritis.

Side effects and contraindications:

Horseradish applied externally can cause skin redness and irritation. Protect your skin with a moisturizer applied before at least a quarter of an hour, in a consistent layer.
Horseradish as a treatment for internal use should be avoided by people suffering from hypothyroidism, hemorrhoids, heart disease and kidney disease.

Natural remedies for constipation

It is a common suffering that is found especially in sedentary people, women, children and elderly. We speak of constipation when bowel evacuation is done with great difficulty from two to four days and the amounts are insufficient seats. Depending on the occurrence and duration of acute and chronic forms are different.


- In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of water.

- figs and raisins and milk. Three dried figs, quartered and 12 raisins in a little milk boil. Quantity morning on an empty stomach drink unsweetened.

- Morning at the first meal is take 1-2 tablespoons of wheat bran.

- Drink sauerkraut juice - 2.3 cups per day

- 100 g of honey taken in two, preferably three rounds of apple juice.

- At bedtime, drink a glass of water dissolved in two tablespoons of honey.

- The bed may be taking a tablespoon of flaxseed or 10 dried prunes (dried figs or a few). Seeds should be cleaned in advance and kept half an hour in a glass of water. Also dried fruit is dipped into water before being consumed.

- Infusion of chicory or sage, a teaspoon of herb per cup of water. Drink 3-4 cups of tea per day.

- Olive oil. Take every morning and evening one tablespoon of olive oil.

- Pollen - 20 g daily, drinking water sweetened with honey. A course lasts? a month. The two-month pause and repeat.

It can be repeated four times a year in every season. This treatment of constipation cure most rebellious.

- White Mustard: Start the day with a teaspoon of white mustard seeds with water, increasing the dosage to two teaspoons for three days.

Note: there are no prolonged treatment is not administered to children.

- Cura fresh grapes or grape: a day, eat only two a week or only grape must.

- We recommend a lot of movement and exercise. They walk in the fresh air one hour every day.

Fever treated with natural methods

Fever is not treated with antibiotics. As you fall, get to be treated normally cause colds or flu.

Treatment with basil prevent influenza complications, relieve feelings of discomfort caused by flu, cough, headache, fever, dizziness. Prepare an infusion of one teaspoon of the herb placed in 200 ml of hot water. Cover bowl, leave to infuse for several minutes and then filtered. You can drink three to four cups of tea per day.

The mixture of basil, thyme or thyme and mint can be a more concentrated infusion, which they do in case inhalations stuffy nose and headaches caused by sinusitis.

Tintaura is one of the most powerful febrifuge plant in our greenhouse. Tintaura Tinctiura prepare for putting in acontainer of powder 20 tablespoons of herb we pour a quart of alcohol at 90 degrees and a cup of water . Let it soak for two weeks then strain and store in dark glass to cool.

Adults can take one teaspoon of this extract five or six times a day, for whatever reason that caused the fever.

Against foot and can drink an infusion of the swamp plant called clover. Over one to two teaspoons of the herb, pour a cup of boiling water, leave to infuse, then strain. Drink the tea up to three days.

In case of cold or flu is very helpful apple vinegar should not miss from any house, especially in winter when colds and flu haunt. A general scrubbing with apple vinegar lowers fever and improves healing. You can put warm compresses apple cider vinegar diluted with water, head, neck or feet. Put your nose if your nose is hurt inside, unplug your nose apple vinegar.