Natural treatments for flatulence

Dill should not miss the soups, stews or salads is an excellent remedy green, fresh or dried. More than a teaspoon of the herb, pour 200 ml of boiling water, cover bowl and leave to infuse for 15-20 minutes. Drink two - three cups of tea a day, warm, sweetened with honey. Dill infusion is also recommended in the case of indigestion or PDA.
Thyme and thyme from the spontaneous flora combat abdominal pain caused by swelling and ease digestion. Pour a cup of boiling water over two teaspoons of the herb, fresh or dried, leave to infuse for ten minutes, then strain and drink warm with small sips during the 10 to 15 minutes.
Chamomile tea is good for babies and disturbed by the gas accumulated in their intestines, but also adults. Tea, prepared as an infusion, is recommended in the evening, one cup before bedtime, because chamomile has a relaxing effect, calming the nervous system and reduce intestinal cramping.
Yarrow tea is drunk three times a day, one cup after each meal. It is a reliable aid for every person who suffers from bloating.
Pungent taste of ginger and remove gases and has a soothing effect. Ginger is consumed as such or as a tea. Looks really root grated and put in water to a boil for one minute, then remove from heat, cover bowl and leave to infuse for half an hour. This tea can drink three cups a day.
Artichoke tea help relax the abdominal muscles causing swollen abdomen feeling pass quickly. The tea is prepared by putting one tablespoon of herb per cup of boiling water. Drink two tea per day, one before lunch and one evening, before dinner.
If you know where you will not allow you to brew a tea that will calm down or get rid of the pain you caused the swelling, try to make a left hand massage, especially in the portion of the middle finger of the hand using your thumb Right. Or, even easier, put the left palm with the fingers all stuck together on his or abdomen, also left for at least three minutes.